The District manages recycling programs such as the proper recycling/disposal of household chemicals, tires, and electronic waste as mandated by the State.
The Recycling (Solid Waste) Districts were created in 1990 by Legislative Act 1240 which became Public Law 10-1990. The purpose of this law was to reduce the amount of material going to landfills by 50% by the year 2001 statewide. This law also set up the Board of Directors as being made up from seven (7) local elected officials in the county. The Miami County Solid Waste District Board of Directors was created in May of 1992.
The funding of solid waste districts could be set up using these sources:
The founding board members chose to use the flat charge ("user fee" or "recycling assessment") billed yearly to all property owners within Miami County. The County has no active landfills, so this option was not able to be used. The monies collected from this once per year collection are used to cover all costs of recycling and disposal of the materials collected.
The Miami County Recycling District
2651 West Logansport Road, Peru, Indiana 46970, United States